Meet our Whanau (Family)! Our staff are dedicated individuals from many nations who have been called to serve at the Training Centre in Te Ao Marama!
They all keep the base running smooth, the ones you will walk alongside during your DTS or get to know more throughout you school, and the ones obeying the call to pioneer new ministries!
Meet The Training Centre Whānau
The Leadership Team
The Staff Team
Vaitulu Pua
Talofa lava! My name is Vaitulu Pua, New Zealand born Samoan. I did my DTS school in 1988 in Pahi, NZ. I am part of Te Ao Marama Staff Team and my heart lies in the field of Education, as it is my passion, I love to see young people understand that each person has an intelligence and everyone God loves - has a purpose and a destiny!
Sérgio & Dilma Leal
Olá! We are Dilma & Sérgio, we're Brazilian too, and we did our DTS in 2021, in YWAM Curitiba, BR. The Lord has always put mission into our hearts and families throughout our whole lives, we just weren't aware that it was always there, then in 2021 the Lord decided to put "wings on our feet" and bring us to the Pacific. Our passion is to see people grow, to be stronger than they think they are, to bring God's beauty to every aspect of life, through serving in any way we can, through arts, spending time together, and ministering at all opportunities.
Bruno Gabriel
What’s up guys. I’m Bruno and
I'm Brazilian, I did my DTS in 2022, with Fire & Fragrance Brazil in Pariquera Açu - SP, Brazil and I have been in missions ever since. What God has been forging in me all this time is my identity in Him. The way I’ve been expressing that is through art (fashion), because we are children of a Creative God. What I have in my heart is to inspire young people to this place to find their identities in God and express it in an authentic way.
Don Vili
Talofa! I am Don born in Aotearoa, but left NZ when I was 2 years old. So I grew up in Samoa for 22 years, then came back to NZ and did my DTS in Mangere, in 1994. I served YWAM Auckland for 7 years, then moved to Taiwan for 5 years, coming back to continue serving YWAM Auckland. I'm passionate about evangelism, mercy ministries and hospitality, to care for people. Love to help the young generation, to equip and send them to do mission to share Gods love and hope with the World.
Nu'u La'apui
Talofa Lava! my name is Nu'u. I am from American Samoa. I did my Discipleship Training School in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1979. I am passionate about developing and mentoring leaders to realise their potential, and encourage new initiatives for multiplication at Te Ao Mãrama and local communities.
Jessica Lopes Ingle
Oi! I am Brazilian and my name is Jessica. I did my DTS in 2017, YWAM Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. I've been working with YWAM Te Ao Marama since 2020. Through counselling, I found the path to emotional healing and my relationship with the Father grew closer. So my heart is to help people heal their souls and know whom they are in God using the tools of Christian counselling. I'm married to Abhijit Ingle, from India that's been in YWAM since 2016, and been working with our King's Kids NZ ministry, since 2018.
Talitha Leal
Oi! I’m a Latina from the beautiful Brasil! I did my DTS in 2019, at YWAM Furnace in Tauranga, NZ and have been staffing at Te Ao Mārama since 2020. I'm called to Training and Discipleship, so I've been working with DTS, as well as other aspects in the ministry. I want to help bringing people to a place of knowing who they're in God and through that, empowering them to impact the nations, demonstrating the love of God, and being an influence through media and cultural expression.
Aniket & Akanksha
Namaste! We are Aniket and Akanksha, from India! Aniket did his DTS in 2007 in Bhopal, India.
We came to New Zealand in September of 2023, for Akanksha's DTS. We're here with our daughter, Eliyana (2yrs). Akanksha's passion is to dive deeper in the word of God and to help others to do the same.
Aniket's passion is cooking and music. He likes to serve God and people through the skills that God has gifted him with.
Rafael Muciano
What’s up guys.
Natanael Tomassoni