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Our Partnering


We have also the opportunity to work with partnering ministries inside and out of YWAM, we love to work alongside each other and support one another! You can see some of the ministries come together in times of worship and intercession weekly. We also give our DTS students the opportunity to participate in these ministries during the course. Check it out!

King's Kids is an international YWAM movement focused on training and equipping children and youth. As our next door neighbor, we enjoy having family time together as well as coming together for worship and intercession. They have many ministries within their base as well, such as soccer lessons, After School Club, Community bread pick up and Coffee Night. King's Kids also hold outreaches twice a year and camps as well. If you are interested in learning English as a second language, go to their website to see when they will do their next English For Missions school. Check out their Facebook, Instagram and website for more information.



Across is a ministry that supports missions in many forms. We are involved in producing and distributing the New Zealand Heritage New Testament, called “Our Story” (Tō Tātou Kōrero), now read by thousands of people in New Zealand. We work alongside the Prayer Station, who take prayer out onto the streets of Auckland. We support Gateway, a ministry that comes alongside refugees in New Zealand by teaching English, helping with practical needs and friendship. Across serves the wider community through the distribution of YWAM, missions and other Christian books. We support mission projects overseas, including the Middle East and Hawaii and, finally, we connect  and network with other mission groups, including Pacific 2 Nations, the NZ Christian Network and Missions Interlink NZ.



Prayer Station is lead by one of our elders, Peter Kim, and his wife, Esther. Every Friday night, the Kims, along with many other volunteers, pass out tracts and booklets, lead worship or speak out an encouragement, and pray for those in need of prayer. Through Prayer Station, many people have given their lives to Jesus and declared that He is Lord! We are so privileged to have visiting outreach teams, people from the community and even our DTS students join in and serve in unity! Come down to 115 Queens Street, just outside the Burger King, on Fridays from 7 PM to 10 PM! Check out their Facebook and website below for more information.


A Glorious Obsession is not a box that people fit into, but an umbrella under which people whose passion is art and creativity, faith and missions find a place to come together to be encouraged, trained and equipped. Words no longer have the power they once did to speak to people. We champion creatives to use their gifts—painting, photography, video, dance, the spoken and written word and music—to connect with young people around the world who will probably never step foot inside a church. We believe that the creative arts have the potential to restore the beauty and majesty of God into the Christian story.

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